Challenges In the Education System Of Rural India

Not only in India education is the foundation of knowledge for all countries which can break all barriers. But instead of breaking barriers children of rural areas still face numerous obstacles which can directly impact the country’s literacy rate. This provision ensures that every citizen of India it can be urban or rural should get an education for up to 14 years without any differentiation. But in reality, this is not how things actually are. The educational path in rural India is so much difficult that children face a lot of obstacles to their education. Here are some of the problems of the education system in rural India are given below- 

Financial Issues

Due to various reasons, families from rural areas are always under financial burden. For this reason, they consider education as a second priority. This leads to low enrollment rates in secondary and higher education.

Lack of guidance 

People in rural areas are mostly engaged in the agricultural sector. Due to a lack of awareness of the importance of education, many children in the rural sector engaged in this sector to earn money instead of getting the proper education. 

Lack of infrastructure and faculty

In rural areas, the infrastructure of primary schools is often found in pathetic conditions. Ruined buildings, leak ceilings, zero toilet facilities, and suffocated classrooms lead to morale among students attending school. Insufficient desks, blackboards, computers, labs, playgrounds, and internet access all cause the poor education system in rural India

Less availability of school

65% of the Indian population resides in rural areas but one can find less number of schools in rural areas. Many students have to go from one village to another village by covering miles of distance to reach their school. Due to long distances and the non-availability of transport, many parents do not prefer to send their children to school and this is the major drawback of the rural education system. 

Gender inequality: 

Many rural Indians believe that children, especially girls do not need to study much, instead of that they should focus on household work or some work which can help them to earn. 

Numerous NGOs in India have come up with a solution to educate students in rural areas. Moreover, the major purpose performed by NGOs for the education system in rural India is to develop the system by providing better teachers, infrastructure, facilities and funds.

Why Should You Support To A NGO For Physically Disabled People

You may not know, among the total number of disabled people presently in India, over 62% of this disabled population is with 0-6 years of age. Among this population of disabled children, most of the children suffer from one or more types of physical disabilities. If you look closely around you, you will observe our surrounding is not engineered to support their needs. This is where the NGOs for physically disabled people come to aid. But why should you support one? Let’s see:

Creating An Inclusive Society:

These days the world is all about representation and inclusivity. But this is not possible when one section of society remains addressed. The physically disabled people find it difficult to find jobs, access public places and face atrocities from people too. NGOs for physically disabled people try to be the voice for these people and encourage the government to make positive amends. You can help create a more equal society by supporting NGOs.

Helping The World For The Better:

If 62% of the physically disabled populace are within the age group of 0-6, which means they are still in their formative years. The course of these years can set them up for future challenges. But as a society, we are not yet ready. Our surrounding does not have the required number of infrastructural aids or establishments to address their needs. NGOs try to bridge this gap by creating social awareness .

Empowering PWDs:

To move forward and progress as a society, one should take on the baton of empowering others. This extends to people with disabilities too. When you take on the responsibility of supporting NGOs with a similar sentiment, you are creating a rippling effect. This will allow more NGOs to take active strides in their goal of empowering physical disabilities.

This is why, when you are supporting NGOs with a physical disability, you are contributing towards a better tomorrow. 

Problems People With Physical Disability Faces In India

When you use words like “disability”, can be used to define a plethora of different impairments. It can range from mental to physical disability. In this discussion, we will focus on the peculiar challenges people with physical disabilities face on a daily basis. People who have one or multiple disabilities are comprised one of the most marginalized groups. To lead a “normal” life, a person with a disability requires some modification from both policy-wise and infrastructural changes wise. Physical disability organization work as both help and interest groups to ensure the problems faced by people with a physical disability can be removed and even a person with a disability can lead a “normal” life. Let’s look at some of the many problems people with disability faces:

Illiteracy Among Children With Physical Disability:

As per various studies and surveys conducted by physical disability organizations, it has been observed that only a few fractions of physically disabled children are enrolled in school. One primary reason for it can be the lack of specialised schools for children with physical disabilities. Or the lack of instruments or skilled teachers. Due to such problems, children with physical disabilities remain outside school.

Unemployment Among People With Physical Disability:

Even the educated class of people with physical disabilities suffer and do not get ample opportunities in work life. This stops people from earning a livelihood and building a life for themselves. Due to their physical disability, they are identified by their disability only. This kind of preconceived notion stops people from getting the same opportunity as some such challenges.

Lack Of Infrastructural Aids:

If you look around various different public or private infrastructures, you will notice the lack of ramps, braille script-friendly signs and plenty more such inadequateness. Such a lack of infrastructural facilities poses problems in the lives of people with physical disabilities. Thus, physical disability organization tries to act as an influential group to influence government and corporates to make the structure friendly with the integration of infrastructural facilities.

Lack Of Awareness:

One of the most civic problems faced by people with physical disabilities is the general lack of sensitized behaviour showcased by people. Such behaviour stops people with disability from living a normal life. This is why, various physical disability organization conducts workshops in schools, institutes, offices and other such places to create awareness and instil sensitization in the heart of people.

These are some of the many problems faced by people with disability in India. NGOs and different organization in India try their best to solve some of the problems faced by people with disability to ease and improve their life.

The Role NGOs Plays In Uplifting The Lives Of PWD

In India, as per the recent census, almost 2.2% of the population suffers from some degree of disability. Work disability is an umbrella term, it encompasses people with different degrees of Person With Disability (PWD). From intellectual disability to physical disability. The lives led by a PWD are much different from “normal” life. It is not always because they are different. Sometimes their life becomes more difficult because of a lack of support, empathy and infrastructural changes. Here, comes the role of various NGOs and organization that works toward uplifting the lives of people with physical or mental disability. But how? How do non-governmental organizations enhance the life of people with a physical disabilities? Let’s look here!

Building A Community:

As Aristotle has said, humans are social animals. Every human-like to be included, be part of a community. It feels good to be surrounded by people who make you feel safe. But for PWD finding a community, where they feel included is difficult. A non-governmental organization helps to foster a safe for community people with physical and mental disabilities.

Providing Support:

Even though people with physical and mental disabilities are supported by their family and friends, it can be difficult for them to navigate life. To help navigate through life and the daily challenges it proposes guidance is required. A non-governmental organization for physical and mental disability guides PWD to overcome challenges and assimilate into society without looking for help.

Help Developing Life Skills:

One of the biggest contributions a non-governmental organization for physical and mental disability makes in the life of PWD is teaching and training them life skills. After a certain age, every human must be financially independent. This is equally true for PWD. To garner respect and command in society, financial independence play a huge part in everyone’s life. To earn a living it is important to learn some life skills. NGOs play a part in PWDs’ life to help them learn and inculcate some important life skills.

Help To Seek Opportunity:

It can be difficult for PWD to find a good opportunity for themselves. NGOs can help PWD to seek an opportunity that can justify their skillset.

Act As Interest Group:

A non-governmental organization for physical and mental disability can also act as an interest group. The interest groups can push the government to take more proactive steps to enhance the lives of PWD. Be it in form of policy change or funds.

These are some of the ways through which a non-governmental organization for physical and mental disability help to enhance the lives of PWDs. Thereby, as a society important for us to support these NGOs.

Challenges of imparting education in Rural India

It is estimated that 70% population of India lives in villages. In contrast, the penetration of quality education is still not enough in rural India and is negligible when compared to the urban counterpart. This divide in education further adds to the problem of India’s development as a whole. In the year 2009, the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 was introduced and later added to the list of Fundamental Rights under the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act. Thus, it has been 11+ years since it has been first introduced. Let’s take a look at the quality of rural education in India that has been imparted.

Formal primary education:

In a wide data collection drive, it has been revealed that yet 76.92 Indian villages have primary schools. The data for availability of middle schools i.e. from grade 6 to 8, is only 39.5 in rural India. Whereas, the availability of secondary (grade 9-10) and senior secondary schools (grade 11-12) are only 18.4 and 11.13 respectively in rural India. 

This draws a picture of the face of rural education in India. Imparting formal education in the rural areas of India has faced a further challenge in the years of the pandemic when the online medium became a primary source to impart education.

But due to the prevalent digital divide, this impartment of formal education took a back seat. As per an international organisation’s report for the year 2021, only 24% of Indian household has access to online education. Thus, it can highlight the grim face of rural education in India.

Vocational Education:

Vocational education is another innovative approach to empowering the youth of India with non-academic training. As per a statistical report, only 3.72% of Vocational Educational Centre’s are operational in rural India. This further sets back the alternative method of educating rural dwellers. Thus, the lack of quality educational infrastructure has slowed down rural education in India. 

NGOs trying to bridge the gap:

NGOs are overwhelmingly working in the rural areas to accelerate the rate at which education is imparted in rural India. Setting up make-shift schools to not just impart education to a limited age group but everyone who lacks basic literacy. Leaping further, NGOs are also educating rural India against social evils and myths that are prevalent in rural India due to a lack of scientific knowledge. However, NGOs have their limitation due to the paucity of funds.

One may look at the number and paint a grim picture and walk away. But walking away is no solution. Let’s not forget the number of inspirational CEOs, bureaucrats and laureates who have come from a humble backgrounds. There is more such countless aspirational youth of India in rural areas who are waiting for an opportunity to grab by both hands. Governmental and Non-Governmental organisations are working tirelessly to help impart education and change the face of rural education in India. But alone these organisations can’t do it all without an outstretch of aid from the society at large.

5 Major elements of the CBR programme in India

CBR programme has multi-level strategies, involving both governmental organisations and non-governmental sectors. Check out the major elements of it.

Community-based rehabilitation, commonly known as CBR, is a community-development technique used in India to improve the possibilities of individuals with disabilities & social integration. This programme has multi-level strategies, involving both governmental organisations and non-governmental sectors. The major objective of the community-based rehabilitation programme is to give immense support and care services to people with disabilities within the community. The CBR members, PWDs, and their families carry out this initiative. The CBR programme strives to offer vocational training, adequate education, health care services, and other societal requirements to individuals with disabilities in the community. In this article, we’ll go through the 5 major elements of India’s community-based rehabilitation programme.

Creating a friendly attitude

Another key goal of community-based rehabilitation programmes (CBR) in India is to foster a friendly attitude toward persons with disabilities. Members of the community should be encouraged to support and encourage PWDs to participate in CBR activities.

PWDs’ Involvement at all levels

PWDs must be included in the CBR programme at all levels and stages, including the start-up and implementation phases. People with disabilities in the community must have fundamental decision-making responsibilities in order to add value to their involvement.

Community based rehabilitation must be flexible

In India, CBR programmes must be adaptable so that they may be implemented in a variety of settings. There is no single community model in community-based rehabilitation. This is because various communities’ socioeconomic situations and other requirements may necessitate multiple solutions. Community engagement is always guaranteed in flexible CBR programmes. As a result, community-based rehabilitation requires flexibility.

Giving support to the PWDs

PWDs who require particular help, such as sensory, mental, psychological, or physical support, should get support and advice from CBR members. Furthermore, community members should give extra care and assistance to senior individuals, those with epilepsy, and people with leprosy.

Must be sensitive to the women and girl child

All community-based rehabilitation programmes must pay special attention to women and girls. This is because certain Asian communities do not respect women and girls equally. Members of the CBR should take the lead in caring for disabled women and girls.

The aim of community-based rehabilitation programmes in India is to improve the life of people with disabilities within the community. In India, community-based rehabilitation programmes are extremely important. CBR programmes can have a multi-sectoral approach, involving both non-governmental and governmental organisations.

Why and How Should the Disabled People Be Treated as Differently–Abled?

Specialties and weaknesses are the part and parcel of every human being, and people with disabilities are not aloof. As such they should be regarded as people with different abilities and specialties. Since they need trained professionals to support them in different walks of life, the NGO mentors have come forwards to set up centres where they are given adequate training and education to develop personalities and voices of their own. As such, to make them understand their strengths are greater than their weakness, the mentors are taking up certain initiatives where they are trained and interacted for their specialties so they are feeling normal. They are motivated towards taking up positive steps and doing something fruitful in life.

I. Creating Opportunities for the Differently Abled People
Being encouraged to attend libraries, educational institutions and special classrooms – they are being made aware to improve their lifestyle. Further by providing them with specialized training in technologies and other fields, their skills are sharpened. In this way, they are made to forget their disabilities and focus on their skills to better them every day.

II. Guiding Them To Make A Better Place for Living In
Often the persons with disabilities are considered ill and so marked and isolated. But the mentors of NGOs come forward to break the notion. The first lesson that is imparted to them is, accessibility is the key to inclusion, and thus make them aware of their hidden strengths so they excel in life. In the near future, by investing in their talents, knowledge, skills and education, people with special needs can create a better place to live in. Within time, they are accepted with honour and respect in society.

III. Setting Up Specialized Education Institutions
Access is the all-round key, and it starts with a disabled–friendly learning environment where they gain confidence and starts exploring their full potential. So, by setting up schools, and higher education units as well as vocational training centres, they are given a larger platform to gain deeper insight into their abilities and expand them for their goodwill.

IV. Treating Them As People With Specialties
The NGOs specifically come forward to help the people with disabilities in India for them to understand their difficulties can be overcome if they want to solve them. They are given opportunities for excellence through performance and are guided to believe their potentials are to be appreciated. Being treated as people with specialties, they are included in different sectors and trained to handle corporate responsibilities. Hence, even by moving in wheelchairs, they can take strict and profitable management decisions. Whenever needed, they are given generous counselling so they are sure of their problems are being solved right on time.

V. Helping Them Overcome Their Movement Issues
Often, it is seen that the people having certain disabilities are reluctant to move ahead freely – they are more aware of their disability than their ability. To make them get over this fear, the mentors organize sports activities and make it compulsory for them to participate, so they can easily let go of their hesitations and concentrate on practising. Gradually, they start to shed their disability notion and start to accept themselves as one among the rest. Once they have this privilege, they are more active to visit public places, partake in physical activities and strive to perform better daily.

Along with the NGOs, the Government and other individuals also have a serious role to play to uplift the disabled people from their shells and make them realize the light is also meant for them. Hence, the NGO mentors have to set up programmes and schemes together with the Government, so that others come forward to help the disabled people learn the meaning of life and let them achieve their dreams.

What should Indian rural education hiccups be resolved in 2022

It can be predicted that all schools will be reopened in 2022. Let’s discuss how to resolve existing hiccups in the rural education systems in India.

According to research and studies, there is a huge gap between the rural and urban education systems of the nation. In urban & metropolitan areas, the number of schools and the educational institute is huge. They also have adequate infrastructure & skilled teachers. Unfortunately, schools in rural areas are deprived of quality education. It can be predicted that all schools and institutes will be reopened in 2022. So, it is necessary to resolve all the existing hiccups in the rural education systems in India.

Existing hiccups in the rural education system

Many students in rural India are not able to attend their schools. Unfortunately, the number of absences is huge. There are too many reasons responsible for the disturbing statistics. Here are a few issues crippling the entire rural education system in India.

Poor local transportation: Lack of transportation is one of the major problems of rural India. This is a basic challenge mostly faced by rural students & teachers. As a result, they can’t be able to attend the regular classes on time.

Lack of schools: It is unfortunate that in comparison to urban and metro cities, the number of schools and educational institutes is less in rural villages. The local transportation challenges and an inadequate number of rural schools both are responsible for destroying the Indian rural education system.

Poor infrastructure: Inadequate or poor infrastructure is another major problem of the Indian rural education system. Inadequate infrastructure means a lack of skilled teachers, lack of books, lack of laboratories, poor classrooms, etc. This leads to inadequate quality education.

How to resolve this problem?
There are many ways to resolve these existing problems. Here are a few smart initiatives that can help to develop the rural education system in India.

Infrastructure redevelopment: Redeveloping the inadequate infrastructure is one of the good ways to enhance the rural education system in India. Classrooms & laboratories must be renovated and reconfigured as much as possible.

New teacher employment: Teachers play a major role in the Indian rural education system. Inexperienced teachers and non-teaching staff can’t deliver good quality education. To fix these problems, well-trained and skilled teachers must be employed. Good teachers always provide quality education to their students.

Smart learning: Last but not the least, to enhance the quality of the Indian rural education system, teachers must be focused on conceptual and smart learning concepts. Conceptual learning increases the core knowledge of arts, science, and commerce.

The gap between rural and urban education can be removed in 2022 by improving the quality of basic education & teaching methods. Adequate teachers, adequate classrooms and transportation will improve the rural education system in India.

What is the aim and criteria of community based rehabilitation in India?

CBR or Community-based rehabilitation in India is the cost-effective plan of action of equalisation of social integration and opportunities for the people with disabilities (PWDs) within the community. The main objective of the CBR programme is to provide proper vocational, educational, social and health care services to the PWDs. The development and implementation of CBR must have a proper aim and criteria. They include:

Aim of community based rehabilitation in India

CBR or community base rehabilitation in India works with people with disabilities to

• Build their capacity
• Ensure equal rights and opportunities
• Address the particular needs
• Facilitate to become self-advocates

Community based rehabilitation in India gives a positive impact on the inclusion of PWD’s within a community. This programme mainly takes place in the villages directly, so neighbours, parents, and friends are all involved.

Different criteria of CBR

PWDs must be included at any level
PWDs can be included at any level in the community based rehabilitation programme at any stage, from the initial programme design to the implementation. Moreover, people with disabilities must have a proper decision-making role to give importance to participation.

Making a positive attitude
Making a positive attitude towards people with disabilities is another criteria of the community based rehabilitation programme in India. The emphasis of CBR is to motivate the community members and work with the community for PWDs

CBR must be flexible
CBR programmes should be flexible so that they can be operated at the local level and within local conditions. Local and flexible CBR programmes mainly ensure community participation & result in several programme models suited for several places.

Sensitive for women and girlchild
All CBR activities in India must be very sensitive to women and girl children. This is because women aren’t equally treated in several communities in Asia & Pacific region. Community base rehabilitation programme provides support and care to women and girl children within the community.

Providing special assistance
Another focus of the community base rehabilitation programmes in India is providing support to people having physical, psychological, mental and sensory problems. Apart from that, people with epilepsy and leprosy and other disabilities also get support from the CBR programme.

The community-based rehabilitation programme in India is mainly executed through the joint efforts of the PWDs, members of their families and community members. This programme is envisaged as an essential of offering rehabilitation to PWDs in rural areas.

How Effective Are the Community Based Rehabilitation Programmes?

The impact evaluation as the NGO executives conduct states how effective are the community-based rehabilitation programmed. In India, non-profit organizations work towards the betterment of people suffering from disabilities. By definition, community-based rehabilitation or CBR programmes mean highly effective methods to promote the opportunities and rights of people with disabilities.
Even if Community based rehabilitation is the main way how the people with disabilities in the middle and low-income group in India get access to the needed rehabilitation services, the analysis for providing the rigorous evaluation of CBR impact on the well-being of people is scarce.

The Community based rehabilitation guidelines aim at enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities, and it even includes leprosy-affected people. There are strong linkages existing between the leprosy programmes, and the Community based rehabilitations optimizes how medical care is beneficial and ensures leprosy-affected people have access to all the relevant services promoting inclusion and participation.

Three UN agencies have developed the CBR guidelines, namely World Health Organizations (WHO), International Labour Organization (ILO), and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 13 International Non-Governmental Organizations that are NGOs that include the Disabled People’s Organizations (DPO) are actively supporting the CBR guidelines.

As per the data collected through the stratified random sampling, it has been found that the CBR executives did control for the systematic differences between the people with disabilities. Through the propensity score matching methods have proved to be effective in controlling for the covariates at the village and individual level. As per evaluation, the programme did impact the people with disabilities’ subgroups, who are disadvantaged on various dimensions’ interests, as in access to pensions, aid appliances usage, access to the paid jobs as well as personal-practical autonomy improvements.

The observed outcome is positive, and its significant impact of the programmes to having access to the services, along with opportunities and rights of people with disabilities. The indicated results comparing the control group access to allowances and pensions, access to the paid jobs as well as the personal-practical autonomy and aid appliances that increased with praises.

The analyzed Community-based rehabilitation programmes leave behind a positive impact on the services as well as the well-being of the people with disabilities, who are in reality deprived of the interests’ outcome. The CBR guidelines form the vital steps in the promotion of CBR as the community-based inclusive development strategy. The guidelines focus on meeting the necessities like basic needs, accessing the conveniences of mainstream development initiatives, reducing poverty, inclusive community. Its overall aim is empowering the people suffering from disabilities, along with their families. Its chief focus is on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities through the application of community-based initiatives.