Do You Have a Child With a Special Need? How To Discipline Him/Her?

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The moment you come to know that your child has been diagnosed with some disability, you should know that your life wouldn’t be that easy. Disciplining him or her would be the biggest challenge that you may face. Show him what is right & what is not. As an NGO for disabilities in India, we Asha Bhavan Centre have several Community-Based Rehabilitation programs where we constantly train parents and caregivers to help them understand better the disability of their child so that they can deal with them in the best possible manner. Here also we have put a glimpse on how should parents discipline their children with special needs. So, if you are a parent who has a child with a disability, here are a few strategies for you.

Establish a routine

Children with Disabilities (CWDs) respond pretty well to discipline especially when they know what is going to come next. So, maintain the same routine 7 days a week. Charts can be very useful especially if he or she is a child with a special need. Use stickers or draw pictures for indicating what is it that will happen next. Go for a schedule or timetable, which is realistic & encourage input from your little one wherever you think is appropriate.

Be consistent

We have mentioned above that children with special needs respond quite well to discipline. But for this to happen, you need to make discipline a priority & be consistent. Establish standards – whether that’s setting dinnertime manners or a morning routine and make sure to teach your little one how to meet those expectations. Make those standards fall in their habit. All children, irrespective of their abilities and needs crave this consistency. When they are able to predict what’s going to happen next in their day, they start feeling safe and confident about themselves. Also, let them know that you believe that they will be able to meet the standards that you’ve set for them.

Have confidence in what you can do or your own skills

It is not easy to discipline a child with a special need. There may be times when you’ll be amazed by the progress of your child, and there may also be a time when you would feel that all your hard work has been in vain and that further improvement seems to be impossible. Don’t be impatient. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Remember one thing that behaviour management is the challenge for all parents having children with special needs. So, don’t ever think of giving up! Study your child, learn about his/her conditions, use rewards & consequences and offer praise. Your efforts would surely count one day.

Final thought

If you expect something from your child and believe it that he/she can do it, odds are it is going to happen. But if your very efforts do not result in any change, speak to your child’s behaviour specialist, therapist or doctor to help out your goals. The professional may work with you for developing a behaviour plan, which is tailored to the special needs of your child.

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